Elementary (1st-5th Grade) Resources

Start the Party VBS - Christ Church Sugar Land



Welcome to The LookOut (grades 4&5) and The Clubhouse  (grades 1-3) at Tri-Village Christian Church. You can access all of the awesome material that you would find at church right here!  Enjoy these video lessons and use their message as a family for the week.

WEEK OF: July 21, 2024

Sunday's Lesson: "Come Rain or Come Shine"- Be Joyful with Others

Today's Key Question-

What are Ways You can Help Others Find JOY?

Today's Bottom Line-

 You Can Help Others Find JOY

Monthly Memory Verse-

"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again Rejoice!" -  Philippians 4:4

As a Family Give These a Try-

Morning Time- 

As your child starts their day, share with them a way you have seen them be hopeful or resilient with a tough situation. Let them know how much you admire and respect it.

Meal Time- 

At a meal this week, have everyone at the table answer this question: "Who is someone you know who needs help finding joy?"

Drive Time- 

While on the go, ask your child: "What are some ways you or your friends express joy? " 

Bed Time- 

Pray for each other: "Jesus, help us to start a party for the people we meet and see everyday. May we celebrate the unique ways You have made them and let them feel how much You love them by the way we treat them."

Family Conversation Discussion Questions- 

 1. How do you like to celebrate with someone when something exciting happens to them?

2. How do you feel when someone you love is having a hard time?

3. How can listening and being present with someone when they are feeling sad eventually lead to joy?

4. How did Jesus show empathy to others?

5. What are ways you can help others find joy?

The Parent Cue App is designed to help every parent do something each week to help move their child toward a deeper faith and a better future.